KISMET Circular Economy - Interreg Baltic Sea Region Kickoff Event Hamburg
Mo., 06. März
Hamburg invites the project partners from the new EU funded grant to the city!!

Time & Location
06. März 2023, 09:00 – 07. März 2023, 17:00
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
About the event
The project KISMET helps public authorities create favourable conditions for food producers and consumers to choose sustainable food options. Thanks to the initiative of Torsten Gasser, who is responsible for the upcoming #FoodClusterHamburg at Hamburg's authority for economics and innovation, Hamburg has the leading role in this groundbreaking, three-year project for the future, which is funded with a total of 3.6 million euros. Hamburg's "Local Innovation Partner" at KISMET is The Future Food Campus Hamburg, and we are working on the conception and communication of future foods, a climate postive production facility, and a city ecosystem based on regenerative practices. Last week we invited our Baltic Sea Region Partners to our two-day KISMET kick-off workshop in Hamburg and began the groundwork of our partnerships to buils a more circular and sustainable system for cities.
Thank you Södertälje kommun (SE) BERAS International Sverige (SE) Vejle Kommune (DK) Culinary Institute by VejleErhverv (DK) Food Innovation House (DK) LATVIAN FOOD BIOECONOMY CLUSTER (LV) ScanBalt BioRegion (EE) Tartu Biotechnology Park (EE) Lietuvos inovacijų centras / Lithuanian Innovation Centre (LIC) Prizztech Oy (FI) Xamk - South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences Steinbeis Wissens- und Technologietransfer GmbH (DE) For coming and participating in our jampacked agenda! From foodlab to hobenköök to mushlabs to Gut Haidehof the days were filled with impressive insights into our city and our plans for a more sustainable future!
We look forward to working together with the authorities and LIP's of these cities to create an exemplarary vision for cities around the globe!